I’m not going to lie…. I am a huge fan of Jessica Simpson, but before you start hating on me and click out of this post, I shall let you know that this post isn’t actually really about Jessica Simpson. It’s more so about her amazingly beautiful obsession and collection of MK clutch.. Well, I guess for Jessica Simpson, they definitely wouldn’t be replica handbags, but for us… they most definitely are cheap MK Clutches bags. I don’t know about you, but I surely can’t drop a couple thousand on authentic bags, nor would I want to. Maybe that’d all change if I made millions like Jessica Simpson, but who knows. It seems that every single replica Michael Kors bagI come across, I have seen Jessica Simpson with it. Her obsession definitely helps my replica handbag obsession though…. or maybe it more so hurts it as it only influenc es me deeper into it, but heck! I don’t think having replica MK Clutches bagsobsession can ever be a bad thing! What do you think? I think it’s so nice when you see a celebrity that loves a brand so much. Most people wouldn’t understand it, but I know you guys will. It’s just such a passion and appreciation. Everyone has that one replica handbag brand that they love, just like we all have that one celebrity we admire or look up to. She is my favorite celebrity, so it only makes sense to always see her with her favorite brands and then have her handbag love rub off on me a bit.